Category: Sober living

  • Frog myths

    If toad urine has been ingested accidentally, it is important not to induce vomiting unless specifically instructed by a healthcare professional. Vomiting may further irritate the digestive system or cause aspiration if the urine enters the respiratory tract. Instead, seek prompt medical assistance for appropriate treatment. To minimize the risk of contamination, it is essential…

  • The Link Between Alcoholism and Depression Brain Chemistry

    For instance, a worried husband may voice his concerns when he sees his wife pouring wine after work every day. And when this dynamic is present in your relationship, it can lead to frequent, full-blown arguments about alcohol use. Or do you feel like you can’t seem to have a single good day anymore, no…

  • Can Heavy Drinking Cause Alcohol-Induced Dementia? What You Need to Know

    However, it can occur earlier or later depending on the amount of alcohol a person consumes. This makes alcohol-related dementia easy to hide for some people, and difficult to diagnose at times. Thiamine works in the brain by helping brain cells produce energy from sugar. What are other warning signs of dementia? They may…